In the early nineties, David Hohl, a young, idealistic Swiss development worker, takes on his first assignment – in Rwanda. Here, he hopes to help turn Africa – and the world – into a better place.
But as soon as David arrives on the unknown continent, he‘s confronted with a reality quite different from his illusions. He is surrounded by corrupt officials and cynical expats. His only connection to the real Rwanda is Agathe, a mysterious, captivatingly beautiful local girl. Soon, David finds himself entangled in a erratic sexual affair.
While the development cooperation David works on seems to bear little fruit, Rwanda is once again overshadowed by its colonial past. The Tutsi minority, exiled years ago into neighbouring Uganda, returns to their homeland with a rebel army. Civil war breaks out.
Step by step, David witnesses the collapse of a once civilised society. Even within himself, he begins to discover a darkness he had not known before. In his obsession for Agathe, who becomes involved in the atrocities of the genocide. As well as in the daily struggle for survival. As the madness and the killing reaches Kigali, all foreigners flee the country. But David decides to stay. And so begins his journey of a hundred days – which will lead him into the heart of darkness.